How to Solve the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower in Tears of the Kingdom

If you’re like me, you probably love playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the latest installment in the popular Nintendo franchise that features a young hero named Link who must save the world from a mysterious evil force called the Calamity. Along the way, he meets various characters, explores different regions, fights enemies, solves puzzles, and collects items. It’s a lot of fun, except when it’s not.

One of the not-fun parts of the game is the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower, which is located in the Eldin Canyon region, which is a hot and fiery place full of lava and rocks. The Skyview Tower is one of the many towers that you need to activate in order to reveal a portion of the map and unlock new features. Normally, activating a tower is a simple matter of climbing to the top and pressing a button. But not this tower. No, this tower has to be different.

This tower has been damaged by falling rocks, which have knocked off its lid and locked its door. This means that you can’t climb it or enter it from the ground level. You have to find another way to get inside and activate it. And this is where the fun begins.

So how do you solve the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower in Tears of the Kingdom? Well, that’s what this article is about. I’m going to show you how to solve the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower using some easy tips that will guarantee 100% fast results. And by fast results, I mean results that will take at least several hours, if not days, to achieve. Because nothing is easy when it comes to Zelda.

Step 1: Talk to Sawson

The first thing you need to do when you encounter the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower is to talk to Sawson, who is a friendly NPC who stands near the tower and gives you some useful information. He tells you that the tower was hit by rocks and that you need to activate it from inside. He also tells you that he has been trying to get inside for a long time, but he hasn’t been able to figure out how.

This is where you come in. You are Link, the hero of legend, who has been chosen by fate to save Hyrule from the Calamity. You have a special power called Recall, which allows you to rewind time and manipulate objects in various ways. You also have a paraglider, which allows you to glide through the air and reach places that are otherwise inaccessible. Surely, with these tools at your disposal, you can find a way to get inside the tower and activate it.

Or maybe not.

But at least you’ll have some fun along the way.

Step 2: Look for Falling Rocks

The next thing you need to do after talking to Sawson is to look for falling rocks. These are large chunks of stone that occasionally fall from the sky and land on the ground near the tower. They are very dangerous and can crush you if you’re not careful. But they are also very useful and can help you get inside the tower if you’re smart.

To use the falling rocks to your advantage, you need to follow these steps:

  • Wait for a rock to fall near one of the stone platforms that surround the tower. These platforms are elevated from the ground and have ramps that lead up to them.
  • Run up to the rock and climb on top of it.
  • Use your Recall power on the rock and watch as it flies back into the sky with you on it.
  • When you reach a high enough altitude, jump off the rock and glide towards the tower.
  • Dive into the hole at the top of the tower and land safely inside.
  • Activate the console at the center of the tower and watch as it reveals a portion of the map.

Sounds easy, right? Well, it’s not. It’s actually very hard and frustrating. Here are some of the problems that you may encounter while trying this method:

  • The rocks may not fall where you want them to fall. They may fall too far away from the platforms or too close to other obstacles.
  • The rocks may not fly where you want them to fly. They may fly too high or too low or too fast or too slow or in a different direction than you expected.
  • The rocks may not carry you where you want them to carry you. They may drop you before you reach the tower or after you pass it or somewhere else entirely.
  • The rocks may not let you jump off them when you want them to let you jump off them. They may be too slippery or too bumpy or too unstable or too unpredictable.
  • The rocks may not let you glide where you want them to let you glide. They may interfere with your paraglider or your trajectory or your speed or your angle or your landing.

In short, the rocks may not cooperate with you at all. They may act like they have a mind of their own and a grudge against you. They may make you feel like you’re wasting your time and energy and sanity. They may make you want to give up and quit the game.

But don’t do that. Don’t let the rocks win. Keep trying until you succeed. Because you will succeed. Eventually.

Step 3: Celebrate Your Victory

The final thing you need to do after solving the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower is to celebrate your victory. You have done something that few people have done before. You have overcome a great challenge and unlocked a new area of the game. You have proven yourself worthy of being the hero of Hyrule.

To celebrate your victory, you need to follow these steps:

  • Talk to Sawson again and watch as he congratulates you and thanks you for helping him get inside the tower.
  • Enjoy the view from the top of the tower and admire the scenery of the Eldin Canyon region.
  • Check your map and plan your next destination and adventure.
  • Save your game and take a break.

You deserve it.


So there you have it, folks. That’s how you solve the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower in Tears of the Kingdom using some easy tips that will guarantee 100% fast results. And by fast results, I mean results that will take at least several hours, if not days, to achieve.

But hey, don’t let the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower bring you down. Just follow these steps and you’ll be able to activate it and explore more of Hyrule.

Or maybe not.

But at least you’ll have some fun along the way.