How to fix a broken zipper

Fixing a broken zipper can be a bit tricky, but it’s definitely possible to repair it yourself. Here are a few steps you can follow to fix a broken zipper:

  1. Assess the problem: Identify the issue with the zipper. It could be a separated zipper, a stuck zipper slider, a broken tooth, or a missing zipper pull. Understanding the problem will help you determine the best approach for fixing it.

  2. Lubricate the zipper: If the zipper is stuck or not moving smoothly, try applying a lubricant to the zipper teeth and slider. You can use soap, candle wax, or a specialized zipper lubricant. Gently rub the lubricant on both sides of the zipper and try to work it back and forth to loosen it.

  3. Realign a separated zipper: If the zipper has separated at the bottom, you’ll need to realign it. Slowly zip up the zipper until just below the separation point. On the fabric side of the zipper, locate the metal or plastic stop at the bottom. Using pliers, carefully squeeze the stop until it’s flat against the zipper teeth. This should realign the zipper and allow you to zip it up again.

  4. Replace a broken zipper pull: If the zipper pull is missing or broken, you’ll need to replace it. You can find replacement zipper pulls at craft stores or online. Attach the new zipper pull to the existing metal or plastic tab, following the instructions provided with the replacement pull.

  5. Repair or replace a broken tooth: If a zipper tooth is broken, you may be able to fix it using pliers. Gently squeeze the broken tooth together to reposition it in line with the rest of the teeth. However, if the tooth is severely damaged or missing, you might need to replace the entire zipper. This can be done by sewing in a new zipper or seeking professional help from a tailor or a repair shop.

  6. Use a temporary fix: As a temporary solution, you can try using a safety pin or a paperclip to hold the two sides of the zipper together. Insert the pin or clip through the hole in the zipper tab, then through the fabric on the other side. This will keep the zipper closed until you can repair or replace it.

Remember, repairing a zipper requires some patience and dexterity. Take your time, be gentle with the zipper, and follow the instructions carefully. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable with the repair process, consider seeking assistance from a professional tailor or a repair service.