How to solve a rubik’s cube

Solving a Rubik’s Cube can be challenging at first, but with practice and the right methods, it becomes easier. There are several methods to solve a Rubik’s Cube, but I’ll explain a beginner’s method known as the layer-by-layer method, also known as the CFOP method. This method involves solving the cube layer by layer. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Understand the cube notation: Familiarize yourself with the notation used to describe the movements of the cube. The notation includes letters representing different turns such as F (front), B (back), R (right), L (left), U (up), and D (down). An apostrophe (’) denotes a counter-clockwise turn, and a 2 denotes a 180-degree turn.

  2. Solve the first layer (cross): Start by choosing a color to solve first (usually white or yellow). Look for an edge piece with that color and place it in the correct position on the bottom layer. Then, solve the remaining four edge pieces to form a cross on the bottom layer.

  3. Solve the first layer (corners): With the cross completed, focus on solving the four corner pieces of the first layer. Locate a corner piece that matches the color of the adjacent side center pieces and place it in the correct position. Repeat this process for the remaining corners.

  4. Solve the second layer: The next step is to solve the middle layer. Look for an edge piece that has a color matching the center color of the adjacent side and place it in the correct position. Use the appropriate algorithms to move the piece to its position without disrupting the first layer.

  5. Orient the last layer (OLL): The OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer) involves orienting all the pieces on the last layer correctly. There are numerous algorithms to accomplish this, and it may take time to memorize them. These algorithms will reposition the pieces while keeping the first two layers intact.

  6. Permute the last layer (PLL): The final step is to permute or rearrange the pieces in the last layer to solve the cube completely. Similar to the OLL step, there are different algorithms for different situations. Memorize and apply these algorithms to complete the Rubik’s Cube.

Remember, solving the Rubik’s Cube requires practice and patience. Don’t get discouraged if it takes some time to become proficient. With repetition and familiarity, you’ll gradually improve your solving skills. Additionally, there are various online tutorials, videos, and apps available that can provide visual demonstrations and help you learn the algorithms more effectively.